False Ceiling Material Calculator

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M+  M-  MR

Ceiling Type*
Length (Feet)*
Width (Feet)*
Ceiling Level (Inches)*

Purpose of this false ceiling material calculator

Using this false ceiling material calculator, you can calculate false ceiling materials for modular grid false ceilings or gypsum board false ceilings for free.

Functions of the Calculator

M+ To add or save the calculation result to memory.

M- To subtract the calculation result from the saved list.

MR To retrieve the false ceiling materials list from memory.

Design Layers To switch to the design layers material calculator.

How to use this false ceiling material calculator?

To calculate false ceiling materials for a 2x2 grid false ceiling,

  1. Select 2x2 Grid Ceiling from the Ceiling Type.
  2. Enter the room's Length and Width in their respective fields.
  3. Enter the Ceiling Level from the roof in inches, then click the Calculate button.

To calculate false ceiling materials for a gypsum false ceiling,

  1. Select Gypsum False Ceiling from the Ceiling Type.
  2. Enter the room's Length and Width in their respective fields.
  3. Enter the Ceiling Level from the roof in inches, then click the Calculate button.

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Local False Ceiling From ₹48/sq.ft

Goodway Interior, False ceiling contractor in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone ❯

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